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Around 1856, the name Apeldör is mentioned for the first time in the topography (Schröder and Biernatzki) - a farm and inn belonging to the village of Hennstedt. In 1850, when Schleswig-Holstein was still a personal union with Denmark, the Danish king passed a law that travelers and drovers were to be offered an open door (open door = "Apeldör") in inns for overnight stays and grazing land for the accommodation of their animals after long and arduous journeys and after certain miles. After that, Apeldör was run as an estate for more than 100 years - until 1996.

On June 6, 1996, the Hamburg businessman Dieter Worms and farmer Ulrich Wöhler started the construction of a golf course with 27 holes (the BIG APPLE is one of the 50 best golf courses in Germany out of 730), a golf hotel with 88 beds and a manor house restaurant, where you are currently staying, on an area of 112 hectares. The tradition of a hospitable house with rural flair has thus been revived.

The Gut Apeldör Golf Club has around 1,650 members and the golf hotel has around 15,000 overnight stays per year with numerous guests from Scandinavia. We wish our guests a successful game with the small ball, an eye for the beauties of nature and at the end of the day a happy return to the Gutshof Gut Apeldör.

Enjoy your meal

Dieter Worms & Dr. Wiebke Junge and the entire GUT APELDÖR team